Sunday, September 25, 2005


If I built a house from a plan by Frank Lloyd Wright, say in Florida, and it was exactly like the original house from top to bottom, would it be as valuable as the original? Well, why not??

For example, a picture of a regular drinking glass.

Now a picture of a regular drinking glass, but this one was owned by Gustav Mahler.

Why is this one more valuable?


Blogger Tim Risher said...

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6:04 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi, Tim!

I think, "value" is something we create in our minds. Gold would'nt be valuable if people did'nt agree that it is. And furthermore there are personal values which other people don't share. My old teddy bear is valuable for me - but actually it is only fabric and filling material. And for a person who has no idea who Gustav Mahler was the second drinking glass isn't more valuable than the other one.

10:42 AM  
Blogger Tim Risher said...

Thanks for your response. What made me think of this in the first place was when I talked to a friend of mine about rebuilding an exact copy of a house by Frank Lloyd Wright. Why wouldn't my house be worth just as much? I asked, and received various noncommital replies. In the sense of value being in our minds, you're right - tthe original house is worth more, because Mr Wright helped build it himself, and the "value" comes from people knowing that it was. In the abstract - Why do people think that a performance of a piece of music by, say, Handel on original instruments is better than one performed on modern instruments?

1:09 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The reason might be the fascination to make a journey through the time. Man can do a lot of things, nowadays. We can send rockets to the moon. But we still aren't able to go back to the past or the future. If people hear Händel's music on original instruments they may feel a bit closer to him and his time.

12:57 AM  

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